Saturday 19 September 2009

A walk around Pacific Heights

Pacific Heights is home to some of the wealthiest people in San Francisco. At the lower end of the market there are homes costing a few million dollars, at the uppper end you're talking many tens of million dollars. Residents include wealthy business people, lawyers and celebrities.

It is interesting to walk around, look at the homes, enjoy the public parks and take in the views of the ocean.

Some streets in the area are enclaves for the mega mega rich, but the area is more varied than its image suggests and it does include some more 'modest' homes. 'Modest' needs heavy qualification and means the merely large rather than palatial.

As we walked along we were amused to be asked the way by someone. We wondered whether we looked like millionaires or domestics?

It is possible to go through the area on a tour bus, but it is limited to a certain route. Do it on foot it is much more fun.

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