Tuesday 16 February 2010

A few days in Cape Town

Even just a few days in Cape Town revives the spirits. The trip got off to a good start and we had many glasses of fizz in the Virgin Clubhouse. The nice lady just kept topping us up. Sunday was lovely and sunny and saw us having lunch at Blues (food not as good as it used to be) followed by time on the beach, lounging around the wonderful 2Inn1 (see last post) and dinner at Beluga (expensive and a little disappointing). A long walk on Monday from the Waterfront to Camps Bay after having a nice lunch a Rootis, which does wonderful Cape Malay food. After sundowners at the hotel we walked a short distance to Kloof Street followed by dinner at Tonis, a Portuguese Mozambique restaurant.

Today we are off to Zambia to see the mighty Victoria Falls and explore Livingstone.

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