Sunday 29 November 2009

Up in the Hill Country - Ella and Badulla

High up into Sri Lanka’s Hill Country you’ll find a small village called Ella. As you walk through the tiny and pretty station, you could be visiting a working railway museum. Everything looks about 80 years old. This place is off the main tourist trail and in terms of traveller types is very much the preserve of independent minded travellers and backpackers, so not for everyone. No plush hotels here, just simple guest houses with a few rooms. The accommodation here may be simple, but what views. Ambiente, which is just above the village of Ella, is a good example of what to expect.

The main reason for staying here is the views and to enjoy walks in the beautiful countryside. There are waterfalls and temples to visit, but they are fairly small scale. You can also take a short train ride to the nearby town of Badulla. This is the main town in the province and has a range of stores which sell basic provisions and are aimed at local people.

Recommended for a few days as long as you are not the sort of traveller who must stay in high end accommodation everywhere you go.

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